Emergencies dial 911
College of Medicine – Office of Student Counseling
The UF College of Medicine is committed to the well-being of all students. Along with the support students receive from their family and friends, there may be instances requiring additional assistance – especially from others knowledgeable about the process. The Office of Student Counseling and Development was established within the medical school to provide students with short-term, personal counseling, referrals for long-term therapy and/or expedited psychiatric treatment, and consultation regarding any form of mistreatment, discrimination, or harassment. Along with providing students with timely access, confidentiality is of utmost importance.
Dr. Beverly Dede:
Please contact Dr. Dede directly to schedule future counseling appointments (email or 352-273-8383). To expedite the process, please include the following:
- Your name
- Your status (e.g., Graduate Student)
- Your availability (at least three dates/times)
- UF Counseling & Wellness Center (3190 Radio Road, behind the SW Recreation Center)
At the Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC) we believe that the college years are a time for change, growth, inquiry, and development. We strive to help students learn the skills to cope with the stresses of change and growth so they are better able to learn and thrive after their time as a student is over.
(352) 392-1575
Providers on-call during business hours, along with after-hour assistance
- UF Crisis and Emergency Resource Center (Peabody Hall, 4th floor)
The CWC has Crisis Services available for students in need of immediate emotional support.
(352) 391-1575
Walk-ins are welcome & encouraged
Your health and wellness is a crucial part of your overall well-being
352.294.CARE(2273) | UMatter@ufl.edu
Welcome to the University of Florida and the Student Health Care Center (SHCC). Our mission is to help you remain healthy while you’re at UF, so please remember that we are here to help!
(352) 392-1161
The Alachua County Crisis Center offers 24 hr/day crisis and suicide intervention phone counseling to all residents of Alachua County.
(352) 264-6789
We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you
(800) 273-8255